#!/usr/bin/env perl # tdiff - diff for terminals (colorized, with UTF-8 conversion) use strict; my ($proc,$vers) = '$Id: tdiff 100271 2017-07-20 13:26:54Z vinc17/zira $' =~ /^.Id: (\S+) (\d+ \d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)Z / or die; my $copyright = <<'EOF'; Copyright 2006-2017 Vincent Lefevre . License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. EOF # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # A short documentation can be obtained with "tdiff --help" # or can be read directly in the source code below. # History: # 2006-11-10: First version (unified diff format only). # 2006-11-13: Added hunk detection and automatical conversion into UTF-8. # 2007-02-12: Added support for copied context. # 2007-02-14: Added info color (for patches produced with "diff -p"). # 2007-02-17: Added support for config files. # 2007-02-18: Improved conversion into UTF-8. First released version. # 2008-04-15: Improved open with pipe (forgot to test if fork failed). # 2010-06-17: Better UTF-8 charmap detection (with I18N::Langinfo). # 2010-11-04: Conversion into UTF-8: allow hunks to use mixed encodings. # 2012-05-31: Use 'sgr0:7' by default for normal text. # 2012-06-18: Major update, with support of Subversion 1.7 property changes. # License changed to GNU GPLv3+. # 2017-07-20: Use autoflush to mitigate potential race conditions. # The latest version of tdiff can be obtained at the following URL: # http://www.vinc17.net/unix/#tdiff # or # http://www.vinc17.org/unix/#tdiff $ARGV[0] eq '--help' and print(<<'EOF'), exit; Short documentation (more information by reading the source): * Usage: tdiff [diff arguments] or tdiff --help or tdiff --version * Examples: tdiff -u file1 file2 diff -u file1 file2 | tdiff tdiff < patchfile svn diff | tdiff cvs diff | tdiff * You can modify the default configuration by putting commands into config files /etc/tdiffrc and $HOME/.tdiffrc (or more precisely, files specified by the TDIFFRC environment variable -- by default, it is equivalent to "/etc/tdiffrc:$ENV{HOME}/.tdiffrc"). Commands are just Perl ones. Examples: $eight_bit_encoding = 'iso-8859-15'; $start{'hunk'} = tput 'bold:4'; As these config files are Perl scripts, they must be owned by root when root executes tdiff. If your shell is zsh, you can even do: svn diff | TDIFFRC=<(echo 'undef $utf8') tdiff * Under UTF-8 locales, a line is automatically converted into UTF-8 if it contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence. Because lines are not buffered, this is now done on a line by line basis. EOF $ARGV[0] eq '--version' and print("$proc $vers\n\n$copyright"), exit; my @color = qw/setaf setab/; my %tput; sub tput ($) { if (!defined $tput{$_[0]}) { if ($_[0] =~ /:/) { my $i = 0; foreach (split /:/, $_[0]) { $tput{$_[0]} .= tput(/^\d+$/ ? $color[$i++]." $_" : $_) } } else { $tput{$_[0]} = `tput $_[0]`; } } return $tput{$_[0]}; } # Use 'our' to allow the config files to see and modify these variables. our $eight_bit_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; our $end = tput('sgr0'); # To use the default color: ''. But let's use bright colors by default, # except for normal text ('sgr0:7' is used in case the default color is # already bright). our %start = ('normal' => tput('sgr0:7'), 'old' => tput('bold:1'), 'new' => tput('bold:2'), 'same' => tput('bold:7'), 'hunk' => tput('bold:5'), 'info' => tput('sgr0:6'), 'nonl' => tput('sgr0:5'), 'dir' => tput('bold:4'), 'vcsfs' => tput('bold:3'), 'vcsfd' => tput('bold:6'), 'svnps' => tput('bold:3'), 'svnpd' => tput('bold:6'), ); # Assume no UTF-8 by default. our $utf8 = eval { require I18N::Langinfo; I18N::Langinfo::langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::CODESET()) eq 'UTF-8'; } or eval { require POSIX; POSIX::setlocale('LC_CTYPE') =~ /utf-?8/i; }; foreach ($ENV{'TDIFFRC'} ? split /:/, $ENV{'TDIFFRC'} : ("/etc/tdiffrc", "$ENV{HOME}/.tdiffrc")) { # For security reasons, when tdiff is run as root, the config file # must be owned by root to be evaluated. do $_ if $< || -o $_; } my $stream; # Without arguments, the diff is read from the standard input stream. # Otherwise, the 'diff' command is called with the provided arguments # and tdiff acts as a wrapper, processing the 'diff' output. if (@ARGV) { open DIFF, "-|", 'diff', @ARGV or die "$0: can't exec diff: $!\n"; $stream = *DIFF; } else { $stream = *STDIN; } ######################################################################## sub output { @_ == 1 && push @_, $_; while (@_) { my ($c,$s) = splice @_, 0, 2; chomp $s; # In a UTF-8 environment, automatically convert data into UTF-8 # when invalid sequences are found. if ($utf8) { eval { require Encode; my $t = $s; # the string may be modified by Encode::decode. Encode::decode('utf8', $t, 1); }; $@ =~ /^utf8.*does not map to Unicode/ and Encode::from_to($s, $eight_bit_encoding, 'utf8'); } print $start{$c}.$s.$end; } print "\n"; } ######################################################################## my $range = qr/(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?/; my ($ctx,$hend,$hm,$hp,$index,$prop); # Do not buffer output in order to avoid an escape sequence being split # by buffering if tdiff output is sent to a pipe. This is useful to avoid # a race condition when another process sends an escape sequence to the # terminal at the same time, e.g. to change the title of the terminal, as # escape sequences must not be mixed. An example of issue: # # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=785497 # # But even autoflush does not solve this issue with "tdiff | less -R". $| = 1; while (<$stream>) { defined $ctx or &other, next; if ($ctx eq 'u') { my $s = substr $_, 0, 1; if ($s eq ' ') { output('same'); $hm--; $hp--; } elsif ($s eq '-') { output('old'); $hm--; } elsif ($s eq '+') { output('new'); $hp--; } else { &other; } } elsif ($ctx eq 'c' && defined $hm && substr($_, 0, 3) eq '---') { output('hunk'); undef $hm; } elsif ($ctx eq 'a' || ($ctx eq 'c' && !defined $hm)) { if (substr($_, 0, 2) eq '> ') { output('new'); $hp--; } else { &other; } } elsif ($ctx eq 'd' || ($ctx eq 'c' && defined $hm)) { if (substr($_, 0, 2) eq '< ') { output('old'); $hm--; } else { &other; } } else { die "$0: internal error" } $hend = $. if $hm == 0 && $hp == 0; $hm > 0 || $hp > 0 or undef $ctx; } if (@ARGV) { close DIFF; exit 255 if $? & 127; exit $? >> 8; } sub nr { defined $_[1] ? $_[1] - $_[0] + 1 : 1 } sub other { my $hmark = defined $prop ? qr/##/ : qr/@@/; if (/^($hmark -(?:\d+,)?(\d+) \+(?:\d+,)?(\d+) $hmark)(.*)/) { ($ctx,$hm,$hp) = ('u',$2,$3); output('hunk', $1, 'info', $4); return; } /^\d+a${range}$/ and output('hunk'), ($ctx,$hm,$hp) = ('a',undef,&nr($1,$2)), return; /^${range}d\d+$/ and output('hunk'), ($ctx,$hm,$hp) = ('d',&nr($1,$2),undef), return; /^${range}c${range}$/ and output('hunk'), ($ctx,$hm,$hp) = ('c',&nr($1,$2),&nr($3,$4)), return; substr($_, 0, 2) eq '\\ ' && $hend + 1 == $. and output('nonl'), return; /^(Property changes on: )(.*)/ and output('svnps', $1, 'svnpd', $2), $prop = $., return; if (defined $prop) { /^_{5,}$/ && $prop + 1 == $. and output('svnps'), return; /^(Added: |Deleted: )(.*)/ and output('svnps', $1, 'svnpd', $2), return; undef $prop; } my $s4 = substr $_, 0, 4; $s4 eq '--- ' and output('old'), return; $s4 eq '+++ ' and output('new'), return; /^(diff |Only in )/ and output('dir'), return; /^(Index: )(.*)/ and output('vcsfs', $1, 'vcsfd', $2), $index = $., return; /^(RCS file: |retrieving )(.*)/ || (/^(={5,})$/ && $index + 1 == $.) and output('vcsfs', $1, 'vcsfd', $2), return; output('normal'); }